Friday, 19 September 2008

Pay your EB Bills online - TNEB Online

Am not sure if you guys are aware of this or not. If not this could help you or your family or your friends.

Payment of EB Bills can be done online now:
The government has launched a site and it has provisions for making online payment. I personally feel it’s a good and useful step in the right direction. We no longer need to ride to the EB or wait in long queues or keep a note/reminder for the last date or pay with fine. If you still feel it’s better to pay it at the EB counter it is even useful again. Because it also provides the bill readings(meter readings and the total cost) for your electrical connection (i.e.) the EB card( the old and unreadable cards usually kept in the EB box at all homes) is electronically available now. So even if you miss out on a reading( as you forgot to place the card near the box or for some other reason) you will still be able to see your readings and the amount you need to pay through this means.

What you need to know?
1) Need to login into

2) In order to know the reading or make a payment you need to know the service number/consumer number. The service number is nothing but a number which is something of the format like this XXX-XXX-XXX (for example 121 005 005). This will be available in your previous bill(if you have) or the old EB card as SC No. If in Chennai you need to know the Chennai Circle in which you fall in. Again this can be found in the previous bill or your card or by just knowing which part(North/South/East/West) of Chennai your area falls under.
You need to go to the following link to know the reading or make the payment "Navigate from the home page to the readings page by Choosing "Billing Services" menu and then choosing "Bill status"in the drop down menu (or) use the following link and then choose your appropriate region(North/South/East/West)

3)In order to make a payment you need to create a new account as such you create a e-mail account and then provide the SC no also there. We can also add one another number(SC) in the same account(so that you can make payments for your friend/neighbor if you wish to :) ).

4)So to make payments the following is the procedure:
(i) Login into
(ii) Create a account as specified above.
(iii) At the beginning of the month of the payment,log to your account then choose and pay the appropriate amount.
(iv) There are various options to make your payment.Currently they allow credit cards(which might attract a little service charge)payments.Axis bank,icici bank net banking accounts can be used. They deduct service charge when I paid through my icici net banking account(around Rs 11/- few days after the payment date)

Am pretty much pleased with this service by the TNEB as this will definitely save me from the hassles I face to make the payment and also lessen the load on my already overloaded memory to remember the bi-monthly EB payment date and amount. Am sure whoever makes the regular EB payment at their respective houses will also appreciate this as I do :)

All we need is an Internet Connection @ Home (and off course a little bit of computer knowledge :) ) and a creditcard.

Please note that this facility is now available only in few cities of TamilNadu - Chennai,Madurai,Tirunelvelli,Erode,Coimbatore,Vellore,Villupuram,Trichy( PS:- Am not sure about the cities other than Chennai as I haven't made any payments for connections in those places. This information about cities in which online facility is available was published in Hindu)


Unknown said...

This is an excellant summary.

However has anyone tried making the actual tneb payment also online?When I login into the account I created ,I get the message Meter Reading not available.Has anyone seen the message too initially and were then still able to make the payments subsequently?


Subanesh said...

Hi Rajshri,
Thanks for the comment !! I have done the payment using my icici online account....I too get the MeterReading Not Available message now and I believe this is because all the previous payments have been done and there is no any left over amt to be paid. May be you can try seeing this page after you get the next reading entered...

sarpalan said...

I am using this to pay my EB bills for past 4 months without any hassles. I used to pay once I get a mail from TNEB about my bill for the so and so period.
This site may be operational only in working days and when your bill is in due.

Unknown said...

I am also getting the message Meter Reading Not Available. I haven't made any payments online so far. Hope anyone got this and solved this issue


Subanesh said...

This means that all your previous payments have been done and there are no payment for due. Also you might need to wait for them to update the readings...they generally do it in the first few days of the month(for example, if the due date is 15th of a month they update it somewhere around 2 to 7 of the month)

Priya said...


While am able to pay my bills online for my house in chennai, am not able to do the same from my native place in trichy. But this post says that I can do the online payment in trichy. Can you please let me know the site from where I can login to make the EB payment online for our trichy house?


Subanesh said...

Hi Priya,
I had no chance of trying to pay eb bills for regions other than Trichy..I actually put the facility available data from the news published in Hindu...may be you can re-check if you are giving the correct SC number or you can check with any of your neighbors if they have paid it online if possible...

Priya said...


If that is the case, can you let me know whether you have paid ur bill for Trichy region? that is what i am looking for?

Chennai there is no problem. I dont know how to pay for my house in trichy am curious to know. Pls respond


Subanesh said...

Really sorry i meant other than Chennai :(

Babu Natesan said...

Actually the online facility available only on city, You know the city TNEB office will be near 1 or 2 KM but the village its their in around 10 KM. SO better they need give this online payment first priority to Village peoples.

Unknown said...

I want to pay EB bill for my house in Erode Region, do any body know whether this region is computerized and bill can be paid Online?


jithan said...

dude. make sure the facts are right. its not available in trichy

Vasudev Srinivasan said...

I have been making payments for about Two years now with this site. It was no problem doing it. But for past few days it is damn slow and I am not able to complete my transaction.

Subanesh said...

I also was facing this problem for few days(first few days of this month).I tried yesterday(Sun evening) and it worked fine for me.

Joseph said...

How to find a service number from the below quoted numbers in the bill?

SC 961
CNA 97263

I tried all the combinations per the format xxx-yyy-zzzz and more. Can some one help me to get this done? The region is Coimbatore and actual connection is in Nilgiris dist.

Thaha said...

Pay your EB Bill payment at Sayan Systems, Beema nagar, Trichy...

Thaha said...

Pay your EB Bill payment at Sayan Systems, Beema nagar, Trichy... {9629121214}

Thamarai said...

I have registered but nomore login id password morthen two days waiting

Anonymous said...

we are also giving some infromation about tneb online payment,registration process,bill status.

Master Couponz said...

tneb online payment gives the better information more than the status and along with the history of tamilnadu